Young Tweedledum and Tweedledee agreed that Autumn fashion
Looked lovely on their full physiques; "My goodness, aren't we dashin'?"
Asked Tweedledee of Tweedledum, his pedals briskly mashin',
"When other cyclists check us out, their dentures they'll be gnashin'."
"Too true!" his lookalike concurred with eloquence and passion,
"I hope no joggers get distracted, fallin' down or crashin'."
"Some women might..." mused Tweedledee, the thought well worth rehashin',
"No pumpkins I have ever seen look even half so smashin'!"
But one old grump who saw the twins – not quite so open-minded,
Preferring slimmer, trim physiques (not quite so round-behinded),
And much more muted shades – declared, "I'd rather not be blinded
By hi-viz hues in larger size, like those odd bikes that Klein did."
Poor Tweedledum was quite dismayed, "I'm hurt by what that swine did."
But Tweedledee, with ego strong and very well-refined id,
Was quite immune to any harm that comments of that kind did.
He merely shrugged and laughed it off, "This pumpkin is thick-rinded!"
"When movie stars receive bad press," he smiled from his low glider,
"With comments rude and callous, mean, and often even snider,
They eat it up, or so I've heard from one informed insider.
It's better to be seen and heard by any news provider
Than being overlooked, ignored – and this recumbent rider
Feels much the same. Some skinny goth with SUVs beside her
May well wish she had worn bright orange, with hips and shoulders wider.
If she looks like a pumpkin, folks, it's pretty hard to hide her."
And so with one short stanza left, TA-DAH! – here comes the moral:
Recumbent riders, don't stress out about rude comments – oral
Or even those expressed online – regarding shades of coral,
Fluorescent yellow, pink or green. Ignore, avoid a quarrel,
And don't dispute if you believe such conduct is immoral,
But never shirk to wear a shirt that shimmers or is floral.
The visual effect of hues so loud they're almost aural
May catch some dullard driver's eye. GO PUMPKIN! Wear more sorrel.
POW Index
Last updated Nov 26 2007